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Privacy Policy


Last​​ updated: ​​[2017-12-11]

Defined​​ terms ​​in ​​this ​​privacy​​ policy ​​have ​​the​ ​same ​​meaning ​​as ​​in ​​the ​​FastOut ​​Terms​ ​of ​​Service.

When you use our Services, you entrust us with your personal data. We are committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal data and cookies. It also describes your rights towards us and how you can exercise them. We will only use the information you provide in accordance with this privacy policy and the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) or the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), which ever ​​is ​​applicable.

By using the Services, you accept our privacy policy and our processing of your personal data. You also agree ​​to ​​our ​​use ​​of ​​electronic​ ​communication ​​channels ​​to ​​send​ ​you​ ​information,​​as​ ​described ​​below.



We​​ will ​​receive ​​and ​​collect ​​personal ​​data ​​from ​​you ​​and ​​from ​​third ​​parties ​​when ​​you ​​are ​​using ​​the Services.



1.1 You may choose to give us your personal data. This includes information submitted when you create or update your account, when you use the Services or if you contact us. We will process the​​ following​​ categories​​ of​​ personal​​ data​​ that ​​you​​ give​​ us:

(a) When you create your account: name, email, and password. You may also submit your phone ​​number,​​address,​​picture ​​and ​​country ​​of ​​residence.

(b) If you use our Services on behalf of a company: Contact person information and - which might be considered as personal data in certain cases - company name, company address and​​ company ​​organization​​ number.

(c) If ​​you​​ use​ ​the ​​Apps:​​location ​​data ​​relating ​​to​ ​where ​​you ​​acquire ​​Material.

(d )If you purchase a Subscription: additional personal data may be collected but only to the extent necessary to perform payment services or to enable our payment provider(s) to provide ​​such​​ services.

(e) If you use FastOut Pilot to receive compensation from FastOut: company information under 1.1(b), information associated with any permits you may hold, and data relating to Assignments,​​such​​ as​ ​preferred ​​countries ​​and ​​cities.

(f) If you contact us: We may ask for additional personal data other than as informed above, in order​​ to ​​assist ​​you.


2.1 We ​​may ​​collect ​​the ​​following​ ​categories ​​of ​​personal ​​data ​​when ​​you ​​use ​​the ​​Services:

(a) Device information: We may collect information about the device you use to access the Services,​​ including​​ the ​​device ​​identifier,​​ geolocation, ​​IP-address​​ etc.

(b) How you use the Services: We may collect information on how you use the Services, such as information​​ regarding​​ uploaded​​ Material, ​​and​​ how​​ often​​ you​​ use​​ the​​ Services​​ etc.

(c) Third-party sources: We may also process personal data that we collect from third party sources,​​ such​ ​as ​​Google​​Inc., ​​if ​​you ​​choose ​​to ​​connect ​​such ​​account​ ​with ​​the ​​Services.


3.1 Please note that no individuals shall be depicted in Views in such manner that any individuals may be​ ​identified .​​i.e. ​​the ​​images ​​do ​​not ​​constitute ​​personal​​ data ​​in ​​a​​ direct ​​manner.

3.2 If you upload Material containing personal data, you violate the Terms. You are the personal data controller ​​for ​​such ​​Material, ​​and ​​we​​ are​ ​the ​​personal ​​data ​​processor.




4.1 We use your personal data to be able to provide our services and fulfill our commitments towards you. We process personal data for the following purposes and based on the following legal ​​bases:


Purpose ​​of ​​the ​​processing

Legal​​ basis​ ​for ​​the ​​processing

To​​ provide ​​you ​​with ​​the ​​Services.

Fulfill our contractual obligations towards you.

To ​​manage​​ Assignments, ​​Material, ​​and​​ Views.

Fulfill our contractual obligations towards you.

To ​​administer​ ​payments​​ and/or ​​compensation.

Fulfill our contractual obligations towards you​ ​and​ ​to ​​comply ​​with ​​applicable​​ laws.

To improve the Services, for general business Pursue​ ​legitimate​ ​interests. development purposes and to develop new products and features within the context of the Services.

Pursue​​ legitimate ​​interests.

To​​ underst and ​​user ​​behavior ​​and​​ preferences.

Pursue​​ legitimate​​ interests.

4.2  We may also use your personal data to communicate relevant information regarding the Services and to conduct customer satisfaction surveys regarding the Services (e.g. after you have contacted us) via electronic communication channels and by phone. If you do not wish to receive such communication, please send an email to


5.1 Your personal data will be deleted by us upon the deletion of your account. We will not retain any personal data once your account has been closed, except if required by applicable laws. In such case, we keep the data only as long as necessary or mandated by law for such purpose, such as for​​ book ​​keeping ​​purposes.


6.1 When providing the Services, we may transfer or share your personal data with selected third parties. These third parties are limited by law or contract from using the personal data for purposes beyond those for which the personal data is shared. We take all reasonable legal, technical, and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and with an adequate level of protection when transferred to or shared with such selected third parties. We may share your personal data with the categories of third parties as specified in this section​ ​below.

6.2 We may share your personal data with suppliers for the purpose of providing payment services. When using a payment service provider, personal data may be transferred to such payment service provider. The payment service provider may request additional information from you to process your payment. Please make sure that you read any third-party terms that might apply when using the payment services. The payment service providers that we currently use are the ones available on the Website. If you have questions relating to the handling of your personal data by​​ the​ ​respective​​ payment​ ​service ​​provider,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​the​​ respective​​ provider.

6.3 We use subcontractors to provide the Services. When doing so we may transfer your personal data to subcontractors for the performance of our contractual obligations towards you and for the other ​​purposes ​​described ​​in ​​this ​​privacy ​​policy.

6.4 We may disclose necessary personal data to authorities such as the police, tax agencies or other authorities if we are required by law or you have agreed to it. An example of legally required sharing​​ is​ ​for ​​the ​​purposes ​​of ​​anti-money​ ​laundering ​​and ​​counter-terrorist ​​financing.

6.5 In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets. If we or substantially all of our assets are acquired​​by​​a​​third​​party,​​personal ​​data ​​about ​​our ​​customers ​​may ​​be ​​disclosed​ ​and ​​transferred.



7.1 We use cookies when providing the Services, to enhance and facilitate your experience, and to create statistics regarding your use of the Services. A cookie is a small text file that contains text information which is saved on your device. We use two types of cookies, session cookies that expire ​​when ​​you ​​close ​​the ​​browser,​​ and ​​permanent ​​cookies ​​which ​​are​ ​stored ​​until​​ they​ ​expire.


7.2 If you do not want to accept cookies, you may adjust your web browser settings either to not accept cookies or to indicate when a cookie is used. Please note, by disabling cookies some features​​ in​ ​the ​​Services ​​might​ ​not ​​work​ ​as​ ​intended.




8.1 Some of our suppliers and subcontractors are located outside the EU/EEA (in a third country). Depending on the Services you order, your personal data may be transferred to the USA or other countries. When doing so we are committed to protect your data and comply with applicable data protection laws and will therefore put in place adequate safeguards to protect your personal data, ​​such ​​as ​​the ​​EU ​​Commission’s ​​Standard​ ​Contractual​ ​Clauses.


9.1 You have a right to access your data. ​Therefore, you may request a transcript of records if you would like to know and verify your personal data stored and processed by us. The request must be ​​made ​​in ​​writing ​​and ​​sent ​​to ​​the ​​address​​ below.

9.2 We take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is correct and up-to-date. You have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself. If you believe that your​​ personal ​​dat a​ ​stored ​​by ​​us ​​is ​​incorrect, ​​please ​​notify ​​us ​​and ​​provide​ ​us ​​with​ ​the​ ​correct ​​data.


9.3You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data insofar as this personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose it was collected (“right to be forgotten”). However, certain legal obligations prevent us from immediately deleting all of your data, such as obligations in accounting laws, tax laws and anti-money laundering laws. Data that must be preserved for legal reasons ​​will​ ​be ​​blocked ​​from ​​use​ ​for​ ​any​​other ​​purposes​ ​than ​​meeting​ ​such​ ​legal ​​requirements.

9.4 You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. The effect may be that you are no longer able to use the Services. We will in such case stop the processing of your personal data​ ​and​ ​delete​​ your ​​account.

9.5 You have a right to data portability. ​In case you want to utilize such right, please contact us by using​​ the​ ​information​ ​below.

9.6 If you have any inquiries regarding our processing of your personal data, please contact us. If you are displeased with our processing of personal data, you may file a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw. Datainspektionen), or with the equivalent authority in the EU-member state ​​where ​​you ​​live.


10.1 We are using adequate technical and organizational security measures to ensure that your personal data is not misused, lost or unlawfully accessed. We only give access to your personal data​​ to ​​those ​​employees​ ​who​​ require​ ​it ​​to ​​provide​ ​our ​​services.


11.1 We may occasionally update this privacy policy. If we make significant changes, we will notify you of the changes through the Services or through other means such as email. To the extent permitted ​​under ​​applicable​ ​law, ​​by​​ using​ ​our​ ​services ​​after ​​such ​​notice, ​​you ​​accept ​​the ​​updates.

11.2 We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy for the latest information on our privacy ​​practices.



12.1 If you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data, or any question, complaint ​​or ​​claim, ​​please ​​contact​​ us​ ​at:



FastOut AB ,​​reg. ​​556176-1809

Address: Enebybergsvägen 8, SE-182 36 Danderyd, Sweden


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